Are Fenugreek and teas safe for increasing breast milk supply?

Get advice from a Registered Nurse and IBCLC about using Fenugreek to increase your milk supply.

How to Travel with Breast Milk on an Airplane

Nervous about flying on a plane with breast milk? Don't be! Get these tips.

6 "Booby Traps" That Can Sabotage Breastfeeding

When we say "booby" traps, we actually mean a booby trap (for your boobies) of bad breastfeeding advice that you can fall into. Dr. Lindsay Moore-O...

When to Switch Sides While Breastfeeding

You can either feed your baby one-sided (one breast offered) or two-sided (bost breasts offered). One-sided feeding is usually adequate in the ear...

What is Power Pumping?

Here is a natural way to increase your breast milk supply.

Lactation Bar Recipe

Try this delicious recipe to boost your breast milk supply.

13 Foods that Increase Breast Milk Supply

Check out this list of foods that can increase your breast milk supply.

10 Tips to Stop Breastfeeding

When it comes time for your breastfeeding journey to end, consider how you will stop to reduce your chances of mastitis or engorgement. The proces...

5 Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Five tips to increase breast milk supply. Make sure to feed your baby when you see hunger cues. Throw in an extra pump session after breastfeeding....

Lactation Cookie Dough Dip Recipe

Get your cookie dough fix with this delicious recipe using our Mommy's Milk Lactation Cookie Mix.

“Tapping” into a Calmer Breastfeeding Experience

Breastfeeding moms who have elevated stress levels are known to transfer the stress hormone, cortisol, to their babies as well as have difficulty m...

What is a Lactation Cookie?

Lactation cookies are special treats to give nursing moms the nutrients they need to produce more milk. Variations can include brownies, drink mixe...